Regular price $43.00 Sale

Felt wheels, because of their price, are the obvious Cadillacs of the polishing and buffing world. They are constructed of wool fibers compressed into wheels of varying hardness from extra soft to flint hard. Each of these densities or hardnesses has its place in polishing and finishing, but the most common are soft, medium and hard. Felt wheels can be used for every finishing operation, from set-up wheels with greaseless or glue based compounds to the final buffing with a coloring compound for a mirror finish. They are particularly well suited to operations where the operator wishes to polish to a grind or casting line without erasing the line. Soft cloth wheels roll over edges and cause washed-out or blurred lines.
Product Code: FH01
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Felt wheels, because of their price, are the obvious Cadillacs of the polishing and buffing world. They are constructed of wool fibers compressed into wheels of varying hardness from extra soft to flint hard. Each of these densities or hardnesses has its place in polishing and finishing, but the most common are soft, medium and hard. Felt wheels can be used for every finishing operation, from set-up wheels with greaseless or glue based compounds to the final buffing with a coloring compound for a mirror finish. They are particularly well suited to operations where the operator wishes to polish to a grind or casting line without erasing the line. Soft cloth wheels roll over edges and cause washed-out or blurred lines.


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Curabitur pellentesque, nisl ac luctus blandit, augue libero lobortis ante, non faucibus felis arcu sed libero. Pellentesque tincidunt tempus consequat. Ut finibus aliquet felis, quis eleifend risus placerat a. Nunc sagittis, nisi sit amet mattis consectetur, mi metus tincidunt diam, quis imperdiet lectus ante vehicula neque. Suspendisse accumsan dolor et felis congue finibus nec nec mauris.

Isabel L.

Integer pretium mauris sed felis volutpat mollis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi vulputate, diam sit amet convallis volutpat, nulla quam laoreet erat, eu consectetur eros justo in nisi. Cras elementum, diam id consequat pharetra, nisl mi elementum turpis, a mattis metus lorem in velit. Praesent viverra vestibulum fermentum. Maecenas at mollis libero. Fusce pharetra lorem turpis, non tincidunt lacus aliquam et. Nam egestas ultricies tortor, id pretium est euismod id.

Anthony L.

Proin lobortis egestas nunc, vitae tincidunt odio hendrerit vehicula. Cras elementum, ante sed vulputate consequat, est nisi malesuada nunc, sit amet facilisis nibh velit a libero. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed suscipit interdum eros. Nulla facilisi. Aenean in urna facilisis, rutrum mauris at, vulputate velit. Suspendisse condimentum pulvinar vehicula

Michelle Turner

Curabitur pellentesque, nisl ac luctus blandit, augue libero lobortis ante, non faucibus felis arcu sed libero. Pellentesque tincidunt tempus consequat. Ut finibus aliquet felis, quis eleifend risus placerat a. Nunc sagittis, nisi sit amet mattis consectetur, mi metus tincidunt diam, quis imperdiet lectus ante vehicula neque. Suspendisse accumsan dolor et felis congue finibus nec nec mauris.

Isabel L.