Tips and Tricks with J. Neilson

Tips and Tricks with J. Neilson

Regular price $40.00 Sale

James (J.) Neilson is an American Bladesmith Society Mastersmith who works from his "shop in the woods" in the endless mountains of northeastern Pennsylvania. There, he has been able to develop his longtime interests in knife making and forging into more than just a hobby. The quiet setting and scarcity of neighbors has been the perfect background to allow J. to develop his skills. He puts a great deal of effort into his wares, and he takes considerable pride in the finished products he produces.

Watch J. as he shows some of the tips and tricks that he uses in his shop. This video contains thirteen mini demonstrations covering a wide range of topics.

Some of the topics covered are:

  • Hand Rubbed Finishes
  • Etching Logos, Blades, and Full Knives
  • Anvils, Hammers, and Tongs
  • Antiqued Finishes
  • Lanyard Holes
  • Mechanical Joints
  • Sharpening
  • Cutting Tests
Product Code: DVDTAT
  • Description
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James (J.) Neilson is an American Bladesmith Society Mastersmith who works from his "shop in the woods" in the endless mountains of northeastern Pennsylvania. There, he has been able to develop his longtime interests in knife making and forging into more than just a hobby. The quiet setting and scarcity of neighbors has been the perfect background to allow J. to develop his skills. He puts a great deal of effort into his wares, and he takes considerable pride in the finished products he produces.

Watch J. as he shows some of the tips and tricks that he uses in his shop. This video contains thirteen mini demonstrations covering a wide range of topics.

Some of the topics covered are:

  • Hand Rubbed Finishes
  • Etching Logos, Blades, and Full Knives
  • Anvils, Hammers, and Tongs
  • Antiqued Finishes
  • Lanyard Holes
  • Mechanical Joints
  • Sharpening
  • Cutting Tests


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